Toby Dorr
The Unleashed Series

The Unleashed Series

Inspiring women to escape their prisons.

when she arrives from the kasper
when she comes from the glen
when she walks out of prison
her life begins

when she faces the past
when she heals old wounds
when she stands up for herself
the future looms

her wings are ready
she’s found her why
breaking free gave her 
the strength to fly

Invisibility, boredom, fear, duty – can all be prisons. By escaping, you’ll discover the woman you’re meant to be.

If you’re a woman who’s fallen, I feel your pain. You are not alone. I know how difficult it is to come back from being down.

My story challenges you to confront your fears, boldly evaluate where you are, and courageously change. I fought hard to heal. I wanted to quit, but here’s an old saying that the strength of a woman’s character is measured by the obstacle that stops her.

Over a dozen years, I have learned, achieved, created, cried, and grown. Almost immediately, my writing revealed a higher purpose.

Unleashed became a roadmap to redemption and the foundation for a series of workbooks and programs: The Unleashed Series.

The Unleashed Series started with one simple idea; to help women in prison rebuild their lives. Quickly, it grew into a larger purpose with multiple workbooks and programs. No matter your journey, we have a tool for you:

Personal Development Series

Introducing powerful character traits such as gratitude, courage, respect, compassion, and faith, these workbooks focus on laying a foundation on which to build a meaningful life.

We start with a journey of transformation, learn the value of being part of a healthy community, and introduce loftier principles such as the value of having a vision and discovering your unique passions while exploring ways to bring them forth.

a journey of transformation…

make time work for you!

Stop! Sometimes helping doesn’t help.

Did you know?
A butterfly helped from its chrysalis will survive, but will never fly.

Breaking free strengthens its wings for flight. Learn more…

a story of hard work and community…

showing the way home!

Bees shared the Earth with dinosaurs, but a single bee is only significant as part of a hive. Learn more…

an elevating adventure…

putting it all together.

Dragonflies are deadly; this ancient species takes all of its targets.

With 30,000 facets, their eyes see in all directions and in colors invisible to us.

You, too, must see the many facets of life, and focus on your vision. Learn more…

The personal development series: Butterflies Unleashed, Bee Unleashed, and Dragonflies Unleashed, inspires women to blaze their own trails.

make time work for you!
showing the way home.
putting it all together.

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