This is Criminal podcast was critical to the visibility of Unleashed.
Michael Mooney contacted me briefly last September, then again in February. The Atlantic wanted my story.
I immediately answered, “Of course! Anything to reach more women and make a difference.”
Coronavirus couldn’t stop our interview through a five hour Zoom call. It took him weeks to transcribe, resulting in 7,000 most eloquent words which adorn the pages of The Atlantic’s October 2020 issue. In mailboxes, at newsstands and online everywhere.
To celebrate its release, Husbadorr took me to my favorite place – Barnes and Noble, where we were delighted to find it a week earlier than expected.

Even better, my article was mentioned on the cover flap of the magazine!
The article concludes with a mention of The Unleashed Series.
My websites showed spikes in visitors and I’ve gotten several emails and messages from readers. The story was included in the Apple News bulletin and was the article suggested as The Long Read in The Atlantic app on Monday, September 14, 2020.