Crows are extremely intelligent birds. They are known for their problem-solving skills and amazing communication skills. Research shows that crows don’t forget a face. When a crow encounters someone who is mean, it will teach other crows to identify the human.
A group of crows is called a murder. When one crow dies, the murder will surround the deceased. This isn’t just to mourn the dead though, they also gather to find out what killed their member. Crows will band together and chase predators in a behavior called mobbing.
- Crows are omnivores, which means they eat nearly anything.
- They eat small animals, insects, seeds, grains, nuts, fruit, worms and even other birds.
- Crows store food in caches.
- Crows stay close to the place where they were born and help raise and defend the area’s young chicks.
- A mating pair will be a nest 15 to 60 feet above the ground using branches, twigs, hair, twin, bark, plan fibers, mosses, cloth and other materials.
- Nest are 1.5 to 2 feet in diameter.
- The female lays four to five eggs and incubates them for 18 days.
- At four weeks, the chicks are able to leave the nest, though their parents feed them until they are around 60 days old.
- Crows can live up to 14 years.
Facts about Crows, LiveScience,