Use your time to find out who you really are…

Proof that felons come from all walks of life, Gina was raised in a good home, but each of us deals with temptation and shame and fear differently. Gina drifted away from her family and the church while attending college where she slept around and smoked pot. The undercover police to whom she sold didn’t arrest her until two years later.  

Pregnant, Gina decided to get married. The week they were picking up their wedding invitations, Gina and her boyfriend were arrested on that old warrant. It was an election year and the judge wanted to show voters that he was tough on crime. Gina was sentenced to five years probation which included 4 months in prison drug treatment.  

She did four months in prison but continued to struggle against her addictions and God for ten more years. Gina took a few detours through life, but God had other plans. She learned through God who she was.

Eventually Gina remarried. Beauty for Ashes is God’s creation through which she and her husband guide countless women to recovery from prison and the habits that put them there.  

They stay involved in women’s lives once they’re released. 

Gina has made a difference in countless women’s lives, including some featured in this workbook.

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